
One Piece: Mimi's Adventure 08

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Mimi woke up upon a nice fluffy cloud, a warm cloth thingy giving her a warm and loving hug. She felt warm, fulfilled, and happy, and she decided she must have still been dreaming. Nothing real could ever possibly feel this great. Music began to play.

She opened her eyes and saw a wooden room around her, and she saw Samurai Amaterasu standing over her.

"Hey, beautiful." He purred like a cute cat.

She smiled, opened her mouth, and no sound came out. She blinked a few times, head clearing up.

"You were asleep for a few hours." He admitted. "You passed out when you had that weird blood explosion."

"Oh. Want to join my crew?" She asked. "We're the Chaos Blizzard Pirates."

"Sure! Who else is in the crew?" He asked.

"Just me. And now you, too. But some day, it'll have a whole bunch of people!" She said, still woozy from blood loss.

"Well, in that case, I'm glad I came first." He said, and laughed.

She laughed, glad that he liked her. As much as she loved the bed she was on, she had to get up. She pushed off the covers, and inexpertly rolled out of bed, landing on the floor. She got up, noticing her bra felt weird. She reached back, and noticed that the strap was loose. She untied and retied it in the correct way, the best knot she knew.

She walked downstairs, seeing that couch again, and she realised that she was still in his house. Also, her noseblood was still on it. Music started to play.

"Hey, do you have a boat?" She asked.

"No, but I know someone who does." He said.


They went out into town together, heading past the nice white buildings, suddenly heading into a building seemingly at random.

Inside, it was like a whole other island. There was a dark wooden lobby, and two angry fat guys glared death at her, guarding a locked door.

"The crow eyes the harvest." Amaterasu said to the two guys, and they opened the door for him.

"What's going on?" Mimi asked.

"We're about to talk to some very powerful people." Amaterasu said as they walked through the doors and into an ordinary room, heading towards a tunnel into the floor, climbing down. "Don't say anything besides your own name, speak only when he asks a question to you specifically, and don't be a jerk."

"Ok." She said, and started to go down the stairs. As they both descended, he didn't say anything else, because he was staring at her butt, her legs, and how the smooth muscles moved and jiggled just above him. And then she slipped and fell, and she landed butt-first onto him, killing the mood.

They landed at the bottom of an old abandoned mineshaft, crates of stuff near the gem-encrusted walls. The air smelled funny, and she wasn't sure what it was, but it made her feel dizzy and happy, even though her eyes started to water. Music began. The two walked further in, and saw a badass on the throne. It was a fancy gold throne, but rather than sit in it like a badass regal imposing king, He lied on it on his side, reclining sexily.

Looking at how badass He looked, she couldn't not give the guy a capital H in her head. He was obviously the leader and boss here, it was so obvious that he didn't need to flaunt it with fancy stuff. He reminded her of a cat, stretched out and in control, with shaggy grey hair going down to his back, piercing green eyes, and a catlike smirk. He wore a black leather jacket with white fur on the rims and a white undershirt, and at his hip, he had a coiled-up whip with sharp jagged metal barbs dipped in green poison running along the length. He also wore black leather pants and black leather boots. All in all, he was hot.

She immediately had a nosebleed and almost passed out, but didn't. It still got to her though. She wouldn't be running any marathons any time soon.

Amaterasu facepalmed.

"So, good ol' Amaterasu and his pull of the week are here." The leader purred, not even getting up, as if they were that beneath him. "Why?"

"We need a boat, sir." Amaterasu said. "We're heading off to the Grand Line, and we need a good boat."

"You want a boat?"

"I want a boat."

"Do you want that boat?"

"I want it."

"Do you want? Do you want?" He taunted, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"I want that boat!" Amaterasu snapped.

A bunch of guns were pointed at him as armed guards stepped out of the shadows, and Amaterasu screamed. "I'm sorry!" He said pathetically.

"Damn right you are." The leader of the group around him said, getting up. "Now, who am I?"

"Alden." Amaterasu said, scared.

"That's right. What do I do?" Alden asked, sauntering closer to his prey like a cat cornering a dying mouse.

"You're the captain of the Corpse Coffin Pirates." Amaterasu said, trying not to cry in fear.

"That's right. Don't you dare forget who gave you that sword. Who made you who you are." He purred, gently caressing the terrified swordsman's face, as tears began to fall down it.

Alden smirked and leaned forwards, giving the terrified swordsman's face a slow, mocking lick, and another and another, literally lapping up his tears like a cat.

And then he kicked his subordinate away with a single kick, as if he was no more than trash.

"Get up." Alden ordered, and Amaterasu weakly got up, even though it clearly hurt to stand after a kick like that.

"Amaterasu!" Mimi called out.

"Oh, he'll be fine. He's taken much more than this before, hasn't he?" Alden asked.

Amaterasu forced himself to nod.

Alden smirked, and at that moment, Mimi wanted to punch it off him more than anything else in the world. "Well, you're lucky. I have plenty of boats, but there's something I want from you."

"No... please..." Amaterasu begged.

Alden grinned.

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